USAG Ansbach:
Playing the part.
USAG Ansbach:
Entering the fray.
USAG Ansbach:
Clearing the halls.
USAG Ansbach:
Staying alert and moving tactically.
USAG Ansbach:
USAG Ansbach:
Put your hands where I can see them!
USAG Ansbach:
Suspect disabled and disarmed.
USAG Ansbach:
All clear!
USAG Ansbach:
Clearing the rest of the building.
USAG Ansbach:
Treating the wounded.
USAG Ansbach:
We are the Army nursing team.
USAG Ansbach:
My patients depend on me...
USAG Ansbach:
Training for a real situation.
USAG Ansbach:
There is no such thing as too much training.