Chicago Man: It's a Limited Supply
Chicago Man: Testing Your Patience Now
Chicago Man: DuSable Wouldn't Recognize the Joint
Chicago Man: A Real Scavenger's Scavenger
Chicago Man: As Long As These Two Hands are Fit to Use
Chicago Man: Best of Luck
Chicago Man: Power Alley
Chicago Man: Follow Me, Boys!
Chicago Man: No Dark Sarcasm
Chicago Man: And Sometimes, I Think About Jack Klugman
Chicago Man: Everhope
Chicago Man: Spring Hasn't Sprung, But State Street Has
Chicago Man: The Beginning of Understanding
Chicago Man: You're Not That Far Off
Chicago Man: Over the Threshold and We're Home
Chicago Man: Have Headless Torso Mannequin, Will Travel
Chicago Man: And I Fear the Camel Didn't Make It Through the Eye of the Needle, Either
Chicago Man: Build Your Nest
Chicago Man: The Perils of Gravity
Chicago Man: You Might Be an Angel and Not Know It
Chicago Man: Moveable Feasting
Chicago Man: Sweet Setup
Chicago Man: Oh, But the Fire Went Wild