Chicago Man: It's Right There and It's Yours
Chicago Man: When We Ran Away
Chicago Man: Find Some Comfort
Chicago Man: Flare is Flair
Chicago Man: Groundward
Chicago Man: You Did It! (Marathon Man)
Chicago Man: Remain in Your Sector
Chicago Man: Pronto
Chicago Man: If Ever You Need It
Chicago Man: Today's Lesson
Chicago Man: The Bell Tolls Twice for Thee
Chicago Man: Had to Regulate
Chicago Man: In the Bloodstream
Chicago Man: Behind Each Window a Story
Chicago Man: Griddled
Chicago Man: The Situation in Shadowland
Chicago Man: Inside the Oriental Theatre
Chicago Man: Inside the Oriental Theatre
Chicago Man: Power Being Relative
Chicago Man: Them Thar Hills
Chicago Man: Pleasant Precipice
Chicago Man: All These Years, I've Wondered What's Around the Corner
Chicago Man: Long Lost
Chicago Man: While Escape Plans are Ironed Out
Chicago Man: Mother of Thy Bounty
Chicago Man: We Also Like Roughs in the Diamond
Chicago Man: Telecommuting
Chicago Man: More Faith than Words Can Tell