Chicago Man: Tiara and Trash
Chicago Man: Tiara and Dog Turd
Chicago Man: Streamers
Chicago Man: Party Popper
Chicago Man: Party Hat in a Milky Puddle
Chicago Man: Noisemaker Horn #2
Chicago Man: Noisemaker Horn #1
Chicago Man: Lei Wrapped Up in Fence
Chicago Man: Envelope from "I hit your car but I left the scene before the cops could give me a breathalyzer"
Chicago Man: Dimebag with Marijuana Pieces Still In It
Chicago Man: Corsage
Chicago Man: Church Bulletin Stuck in a Bush
Chicago Man: Champagne Bottle
Chicago Man: Belt, Graffiti, Empty Bag, Receipt for Vodka and Orange Juice
Chicago Man: Beer Can & Party Streamers
Chicago Man: Beer Bottle
Chicago Man: Ticket to the Ball
Chicago Man: Party Hat