USACE HQ: MG Walsh tour of Minot
USACE HQ: Briefing debris mission in Minot, N.D
USACE HQ: North Dakota State Disaster Recovery Coordinator discusses temporary housing
USACE HQ: North Dakota Governor tour of Minot housing site
USACE HQ: Minot debris removal
USACE HQ: Debris Removal in Minot, ND
USACE HQ: Edwin Evers Get Hooked on Water Safety
USACE HQ: Get 'hooked' on wearing a life vest
USACE HQ: Wetlands filter water pollutants
USACE HQ: 9/11 memorial honoring U.S. Armed Forces
USACE HQ: Raking the public right-of-way
USACE HQ: Burlington temporary housing
USACE HQ: Burlington temporary housing site in ND
USACE HQ: McAlpine Locks and Dam
USACE HQ: Troy Lock and Dam post-Irene cleanup
USACE HQ: USACE debris removal at Troy Lock and Dam
USACE HQ: USACE New York District cleans debris at Troy Lock and Dam
USACE HQ: Army Community Covenant Signing Ceremony
USACE HQ: Fort Hamilton Commander speaks at covenant signing
USACE HQ: USACE North Atlantic Division commander passes the Army Engineer flag
USACE HQ: Armenia clinic opens with help from USACE, EUCOM
USACE HQ: USACE emergency operations teammate looks over the rubble at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks
USACE HQ: USACE vessels supported emergency response activities on the New York Harbor after 9/11
USACE HQ: Debris conveyor belt transporting separated debris from the World Trade Center
USACE HQ: New York City firefighters, police officers spent months sifting through debris at Ground Zero in search of personal items following the 9/11 attacks
USACE HQ: USACE structural experts kept a constant watch on the heavily damaged structures surrounding Ground Zero
USACE HQ: 249th Engineer Battalion (Prime Power) Soldier stands on the floor of a powered up New York Stock Exchange soon after the 9-11 attacks
USACE HQ: USACE debris inspector inspects damage at Ground Zero
USACE HQ: USACE Urban Search and Rescue Planning and Response Team after 9/11 attacks
USACE HQ: Tribute to Col. John B. O'Dowd in t Qalaa House Compound in Kabul, Afghanistan