urzzz: crowded train platform in Delhi
urzzz: it's 10:14am
urzzz: waiting for Sonal.
urzzz: Joanna with ...
urzzz: they are such nice & cool people.
urzzz: onto India Gate.
urzzz: India Gate
urzzz: India Gate in New Delhi
urzzz: close up of the memorial
urzzz: no entry
urzzz: U&J in front of India Gate in New Delhi
urzzz: traffic in Delhi
urzzz: lights - around a markets area
urzzz: markets - all the clothes one can find in all the mall stores.
urzzz: yellow & red
urzzz: we're at the Bangla Sahib Sikh Temple in Delhi
urzzz: the Bangla Sahib Sikh Temple in Delhi
urzzz: with headcoverings at the Bangla Sahib Sikh Temple
urzzz: IMG_2239
urzzz: glowing
urzzz: Amrita & Joanna
urzzz: IMG_2246
urzzz: Bangla Sahib Sikh Temple
urzzz: beautiful Hindi letters
urzzz: reflection
urzzz: reflection
urzzz: reflection
urzzz: reflection
urzzz: reflection
urzzz: reflection