urzzz: 4 4
urzzz: ta ta cité.
urzzz: wet zone.
urzzz: liberty/ellis island ferry lounge.
urzzz: moi on the ferry.
urzzz: looking over.
urzzz: liberté.
urzzz: museum
urzzz: immigration museum entrance
urzzz: glass roof
urzzz: actual luggage.
urzzz: migration patterns.
urzzz: edison style bulbs.
urzzz: empty corner.
urzzz: language tree.
urzzz: the hersh's
urzzz: the jaro's
urzzz: name wall & cité
urzzz: hello to the city.
urzzz: through the square hole.
urzzz: immigration museum.
urzzz: do not sit.
urzzz: the bridge to nowhere.
urzzz: through the halls.
urzzz: ellis island.
urzzz: our tour guide, jamie.
urzzz: old recreation building for patients.
urzzz: psych building.
urzzz: ellis island hospital compound.
urzzz: another old building.