urzzz: post jump
urzzz: celebratory cigar.
urzzz: entitlement to messed up hair!
urzzz: charlie's angels.
urzzz: u & a
urzzz: aaaaah yeaaaaaah!
urzzz: jumpsuiting.
urzzz: c & u
urzzz: our heroic walk.
urzzz: survived!
urzzz: landing.
urzzz: that's one of us up there.
urzzz: parachuting.
urzzz: floating.
urzzz: as plane as this.
urzzz: aaaah yeah!
urzzz: threesome.
urzzz: post jump jee.
urzzz: furry pooch.
urzzz: furry pooch.
urzzz: c & a
urzzz: heel boy.
urzzz: hangar.
urzzz: skydive list.
urzzz: charlotta.
urzzz: yoga? no, it's folding parachutes hour.
urzzz: anxious & excited.
urzzz: nice outfit.
urzzz: ready?