Urthling: Too good to keep driving
Urthling: Set, set, set
Urthling: Night Time
Urthling: Last night
Urthling: Snow. In July.
Urthling: Always growing
Urthling: Iris?
Urthling: Crusin'
Urthling: Not just rocks
Urthling: Skyline
Urthling: Back when Spring sprung
Urthling: Purple
Urthling: Yellow
Urthling: Doesn't feel like SoCal
Urthling: Snow in the Coast Ranges
Urthling: It's a fair view
Urthling: Can't forget the old home
Urthling: In a new home
Urthling: Time to go home
Urthling: On the Moon
Urthling: Hiding in Rock Creek Canyon
Urthling: All the up is worth it
Urthling: Rest day
Urthling: Flowers at any elevation
Urthling: Altitude sickness
Urthling: Can't sleep - too excited
Urthling: South Lake
Urthling: Just snackin'
Urthling: Wall-to-wall gold
Urthling: Gold