Athi S: 0404-IMG_9743-The workers start their work early morning itself. And they will work till 10 AM (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0405-IMG_9767-Bringing the fresh water in and the used water(ie, the water in which salt has already been taken) out, It takes 10 to 12 days to get salt from the fresh water (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0406-IMG_9821-This is how fresh water enters in and used water comes out (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0407-IMG_9796-Drawing lines to make the water to evaporate soon. Due to their work in salty area, they easily got affected by ailments. Shortsight is one of the major problem (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0408-IMG_9789-Segregating Salt. Most of them dont wear chappels, while doing the work, which hurts the legs (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0409-IMG_9811-Inspite of their heavy work & ailments, they are paid only Rs.90-100 per day (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0410-IMG_9910-Filling up the salt in a basket (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0411-IMG_9868-Helping each other to take the salt (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0412-IMG_9873-Taking the salt to the storage area (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0413-IMG_9792-A worker carries the salt and is taking it to the storage area (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0414-IMG_9860-They store the salt like this. If rain comes, they will cover this with a tarpaulin (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0415-IMG_9837-Splashing out the used water (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0416-IMG_9801-The water, after the salt has been taken, sent as wastage (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0417-IMG_9918-The hydrometer used to measure the concentration of the salt in water (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0418-IMG_9888-When the water is taken from the borewell, salt content will be 7. When it is taken into an area like these small shaped fields, it becomes 22 (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0419-IMG_9896-If the salt content is below 10, the salt will dissolve in the water. Salt content in sea water is only 3. This image has Gypsum, which has the salt content in between 15 and 20 (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0420-IMG_9905-If the salt content is in between 20 and 27, we can get salt (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0421-IMG_9887-If the salt content in the water exceeds the measurement 30, it will be waste. They will be moved to a wastage area like this (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0422-IMG_9927-Salt will be taken to a merchant for cleaning and then for selling (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)
Athi S: 0423-IMG_9933-Packages, Not salary package, but salt (@Thoothukkudi Saltpan)