ursamajor: Sauternes on a Tuesday.
ursamajor: First barbecue of the season.
ursamajor: So one of the cashew cookies I made came out in the shape of a heart. :) <3
ursamajor: Saturday dinner: this Winnemere cheese from @centralbtlwine, heck yes.
ursamajor: Fridge contents part 3, April 2012.
ursamajor: Fridge contents part 2, April 2012.
ursamajor: Fridge contents part 1, April 2012.
ursamajor: The hottest night of the year so far, so of course we make lamb shabu shabu.
ursamajor: Breakfast: Sophia's Greek yogurt, topped with cherry preserves. The best, ever.
ursamajor: Dessert, to go along with the return of the Amazing Race.
ursamajor: Shortly to become chocolate mousse.
ursamajor: Left: cashew cinnamon spice cookies. Right: coconut chocolate chip meringues. Pesach sameach!
ursamajor: Okay, this cashew spice cookie batter looks more like oatmeal than future cookies. But pesadik!
ursamajor: Stiff peaks.
ursamajor: Passover baking, part 2: meringues ready for the oven.
ursamajor: Baking for Passover, part 1: batter for coconut chocolate chip meringues.
ursamajor: Quoth the @hokun: "I'm gonna go watch TV in the kitchen." (Roast chicken in the oven.)
ursamajor: Bachelorette dinner number two: turning these and the offscreen cauliflower into soup.
ursamajor: Meyer lemon and goat cheese pizza with tarragon and red pepper flakes.
ursamajor: Yeah, @hokun is far more coordinated than I am. #sumo #orange #peel
ursamajor: Matzo for the Korean culinary Jew on Passover.
ursamajor: Mirepoix a minuit.
ursamajor: Candying kalamansi limes.
ursamajor: Deathnog in a Disney mug. Happy Jewmas! #eggnog
ursamajor: So, #roasted #chickpeas are pretty tasty.
ursamajor: Garam masala ginger star peanut butter sandwiches. Hooray cookie swap!
ursamajor: Summer, winter. #persimmons #hachiya #blackberries
ursamajor: Bottom half of the fridge.
ursamajor: Top half of the fridge.
ursamajor: The fridge door.