ursamajor: Okay I'm confused. @afuna HALP I thought bagoong was just pungent, how on earth can it be SWEET?!
ursamajor: Surprise, steakhouse!
ursamajor: Bacon peanut brittle.
ursamajor: Creamsicle concrete with fruity pebble treats. To quote Rachael Ray: "Yum-o!"
ursamajor: Dragonfruit. Among many, many things I managed to not get.
ursamajor: Matzo for the Korean culinary Jew on Passover.
ursamajor: Seafood 짜장면 (jjajangmyeon, black bean noodles).
ursamajor: YOLKY. \o/ #cheeseburger #egg
ursamajor: Ohai, otoro.
ursamajor: Chocolate madness. (Yes, that is chocolate baklava.)
ursamajor: First barbecue of the season.
ursamajor: Creamy devotion. Really.
ursamajor: Om nom El Pelon. Have missed this place so much.
ursamajor: Er. Perhaps not the best ad to put on beef. #madcow
ursamajor: Wing-a-ding.
ursamajor: And now, merry Christmas sake to go with the sushi ;)
ursamajor: Feeesheee feeesh. #sushi #sashimi #maki #fish
ursamajor: Oh, Franguk. #french #korean #fusion #confusion #cookies #coffee #linguisticwackiness
ursamajor: Adorable #penguin #shortbread #cookies. #chocolate
ursamajor: My favorite reusable #bag. Even though it's falling apart at this point. #lamb
ursamajor: I've heard the jingle many times, but never actually seen it for sale till now. #melloyello
ursamajor: A bookstore + music store + tapas bar in one. Standing in the bookstore with a glass of wine. Can I move in yet?
ursamajor: Thai iced tea, mixed to perfection.
ursamajor: Buy me some peanuts and bacon cheeseburgers and '90s nostalgia on the radio.
ursamajor: Scotch devilled eggs.
ursamajor: Fish on a fish plate.
ursamajor: There is a TRAIL MIX BAR at this Whole Foods. This pleases the yupster in me beyond explanation.
ursamajor: Halo-halo with ube (purple yam) ice cream :D
ursamajor: Found the Massachusetts Filipino grocery store!