ursamajor: We took out the AC this morning, and found a birds' nest underneath the unit.
ursamajor: Sunrise, Cambridge.
ursamajor: Breakfast in the shadows. #downtown #Boston
ursamajor: Oh, Lorem Ipsum. :)
ursamajor: Never noticed the eagle statue in Arlington Center before.
ursamajor: Baby bedding is still scattered ALL over creation here, but I found lots of giraffes?
ursamajor: Found the Rez. Wouldnt exactly call the way here a bike path …
ursamajor: Coffee, Cream, and Jenny. #bikes #bicycles #schwinn #family
ursamajor: Pink floral Schwinn.
ursamajor: Pretty mint.
ursamajor: The Emerson quidditch team is here. The BC team wishes they could apparate. #hogwartssquare #harrypotter
ursamajor: Setting up the quidditch pitch.
ursamajor: Concert in Hogwarts Square tonight.
ursamajor: Ripples in the koi pond.
ursamajor: Bike for a future cop, circa 2035.
ursamajor: Heat wave.
ursamajor: Dragon, under construction.
ursamajor: Artbeat crowds.
ursamajor: Dolphin fountain.
ursamajor: Cutting boards, Artbeat.
ursamajor: Onstage: @bitchtrifecta.
ursamajor: The British are coming. With barley iced tea.
ursamajor: For complete info, click on the Twitter icon on this foam core billboard. #doingitwrong #whatisyourtwittername
ursamajor: Cold drink time!
ursamajor: Hannah's purple delight.
ursamajor: Where's @hokun?
ursamajor: Sploosh!
ursamajor: Police at Pooh's.
ursamajor: .@inastraightline that reminds me of when @hokun and I went to go see "Kickass Babies Train Your Dragon."
ursamajor: Cookie Monster coat