ursamajor: Wendy's Cloak has wifi. #postmodernpeterpan
ursamajor: OMG they put us on 4th floor South. It's just like being a frosh all over again. #amherstreunion10
ursamajor: Except for the part where South has AN ELEVATOR YOU GUYS #amherstreunion10
ursamajor: Playing Guillotine with the Apocalypse crowd. #amherstreunion10
ursamajor: Memorial Hill in springtime.
ursamajor: Enjoying the day.
ursamajor: It is a gorgeous day to be on Memorial Hill. #amherstreunion10
ursamajor: I'm not convinced this isn't a Thestral.
ursamajor: This looks straight out of Hogwarts.
ursamajor: turtle shells; not blue.
ursamajor: Ancient skulls.
ursamajor: The lounges in the Geo building are really nice.
ursamajor: The Fiber Art Center replaced the bus depot.
ursamajor: There is a bouncehouse in front of my dorm. #amherstreunion10
ursamajor: Text NSFW; college math wit.
ursamajor: My laptop is disgruntling me; I brought it out specifically for this session. :P
ursamajor: "This is social media." #amherstreunion10
ursamajor: Little pony!
ursamajor: Big pony!
ursamajor: There are PONIES on the Freshman Quad!
ursamajor: heirloom tomatoes!
ursamajor: strawberries!
ursamajor: Paneer at the Amherst Farmers' Market
ursamajor: There are PONIES on the Freshman Quad. #amherstreunion10
ursamajor: My mouf if fuw of ice cweam!
ursamajor: all done!
ursamajor: '00s and '05s partying to @harperblynn; still going strong at midnight-thirty. #amherstreunion10
ursamajor: the octagon, redux
ursamajor: the octagon
ursamajor: all the sky i see