ursamajor: hyoun looks dapper!
ursamajor: patrick and marcos
ursamajor: purple people
ursamajor: vic and patrick
ursamajor: scott and his parents walk up the aisle
ursamajor: the bride waits her turn
ursamajor: scott's dad, vic, patrick
ursamajor: kristen walking up the aisle
ursamajor: the chuppah
ursamajor: vic in a kippah
ursamajor: the ketubah
ursamajor: origami flowers!
ursamajor: how long is your lens?
ursamajor: bridesmaids and groomsmen 2
ursamajor: bridesmaids and groomsmen
ursamajor: marcie and her glassware
ursamajor: the cake
ursamajor: kristen feeding scott
ursamajor: groomsmen
ursamajor: jess and patrick and vic
ursamajor: taplin boys gettin' their groove on
ursamajor: taplin boys reunited
ursamajor: taplin boys finale
ursamajor: scott, making pop fangirls swoon since 1978
ursamajor: scott dancing with his mom
ursamajor: ella in sunlight
ursamajor: guess what's in ella's purse
ursamajor: mabel
ursamajor: ella
ursamajor: marcie, jess