ursamajor: Jane and Eun-Hyeong
ursamajor: Jane and Eun-Hyeong (cousin) in hanbok
ursamajor: us and our parents
ursamajor: us and the Baers
ursamajor: us and the Parks
ursamajor: us and the parks
ursamajor: moms
ursamajor: the Parks
ursamajor: part of the Park clan
ursamajor: us with our parents
ursamajor: us with Hyoun's grandmas
ursamajor: us and our dads
ursamajor: Leonard, Jane, and other family members
ursamajor: my new sisters
ursamajor: S5005738
ursamajor: Sara and Leonard
ursamajor: my brother
ursamajor: us and our parents, outside the box
ursamajor: us with our transport
ursamajor: me, outside the box
ursamajor: close up of me in the box
ursamajor: hyoun, bowing
ursamajor: me, bowing
ursamajor: chickens, side view
ursamajor: chickens, frontal view
ursamajor: us after the fact
ursamajor: piggy back ride!
ursamajor: piggy back ride, back view
ursamajor: in laws
ursamajor: us with the Park grandparents