urline: NEO.tokyo
urline: my grandfather.
urline: Anno Domini 2038.
urline: dreamcatcher.
urline: "Storms make oaks take deeper root”
urline: NO! you DON´T!!!
urline: "could you please..."
urline: “Eyes are more accurate witnesses than ears”
urline: “In youth we learn, in age we understand.”
urline: “There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect.”
urline: don´t hold your breath for long...
urline: "varieties"
urline: time to remember.
urline: the singer.
urline: “City life is millions of people being lonesome together.”
urline: urban "(g!)sus"
urline: "angeleyes"
urline: "Ö"
urline: "j" a.k.a "Balkan Connection"
urline: "next tenant" a.k.a makko
urline: "daydreamer"
urline: frankenstein.
urline: puppeteer.
urline: High Voltage.
urline: shades.
urline: alleeeez....!
urline: brick wall.
urline: soulleecher.