urlgirl: Flamingos, getting dirty
urlgirl: Flamingos, primping
urlgirl: Flamingos, resting
urlgirl: Flamingos are here!
urlgirl: Freaky
urlgirl: Here, kitty...
urlgirl: Birds!
urlgirl: Birds!
urlgirl: Maxine
urlgirl: The mama gorilla and the baby gorilla
urlgirl: Mom and baby gorilla
urlgirl: Hand
urlgirl: We had a moment
urlgirl: Recognition
urlgirl: I'm watching you too...
urlgirl: Eventually he got tired of me
urlgirl: Look who finally picked up the bad photo lessons!
urlgirl: And where would you lay your eggs, hmm?
urlgirl: Katrina
urlgirl: Brother and sister
urlgirl: Katrina
urlgirl: Katrina
urlgirl: Mom and Kid One
urlgirl: Three harpies?
urlgirl: They were trying to get me to do faces
urlgirl: OK, OK, I gave in
urlgirl: Shameful, really
urlgirl: Lunch!
urlgirl: He was so, so pretty
urlgirl: Pinky up in the air!