urlgirl: I had to get Patrick from work...
urlgirl: Traffic moved slowly
urlgirl: It was coming down
urlgirl: Getting darker
urlgirl: Eventually Patrick caught up with us
urlgirl: Too dark
urlgirl: Looking out to the street
urlgirl: Still life, with art studio
urlgirl: Clouds kept boiling overhead
urlgirl: Ta-da!
urlgirl: Maxine got to make a snowman
urlgirl: At home it just got thicker
urlgirl: On the street where we live
urlgirl: The front yard
urlgirl: Our driveway
urlgirl: Trees, glorious trees...
urlgirl: Handy picture frame
urlgirl: It was a snow day at school
urlgirl: The neighbors' too
urlgirl: Every branch of every tree...
urlgirl: In the morning...