urkeldaedalus: Hooded Maggie
urkeldaedalus: Event photographer at Christmas tree fundraiser
urkeldaedalus: My ladies
urkeldaedalus: Liked the shape made by the light.
urkeldaedalus: Cedar Rapids at sunset
urkeldaedalus: Trombone man
urkeldaedalus: I am still convinced rhubarb is not of this Earth
urkeldaedalus: He doesn't seem too unhappy when he is discovered
urkeldaedalus: What adventure awaits her next?
urkeldaedalus: The time of year for big puffy clouds
urkeldaedalus: I present to you: digital recorder
urkeldaedalus: Versions of childhood
urkeldaedalus: Painted bench, Red Wing blackbirds: Downtown Iowa City.
urkeldaedalus: Under construction
urkeldaedalus: May's Drug