urkeldaedalus: Good squad assemble!
urkeldaedalus: Probably not the intended use
urkeldaedalus: They couldn't quite...
urkeldaedalus: ...get on the same page with these things.
urkeldaedalus: Intense stirring face
urkeldaedalus: Aunt approval
urkeldaedalus: Aunt provides coloring supervision
urkeldaedalus: Casual floatie
urkeldaedalus: Concentration tongue, Part 1
urkeldaedalus: Concentration tongue, Part 2
urkeldaedalus: Mia has some poses ready to go
urkeldaedalus: But is also way happier than I can ever remember being
urkeldaedalus: The Zen of Peek-a-Boo
urkeldaedalus: Whaaat?
urkeldaedalus: We'll call this in-between face
urkeldaedalus: There you go!
urkeldaedalus: Little did Will know I was capturing him without a silly face
urkeldaedalus: Will also has some faces in his arsenal
urkeldaedalus: They tend to grow
urkeldaedalus: More intense
urkeldaedalus: As time goes on
urkeldaedalus: Raising the level
urkeldaedalus: To higher and higher
urkeldaedalus: Peaks and...
urkeldaedalus: Staying committed to the idea
urkeldaedalus: Will in flight (1)
urkeldaedalus: Will in flight (2)
urkeldaedalus: The Pokemon Go adventure begins!
urkeldaedalus: Chalk art is serious business
urkeldaedalus: Requiring deep concentration