urkeldaedalus: Solon students take the ice bucket challenge
urkeldaedalus: Go Pretzel!
urkeldaedalus: From that time I stalked people (for hire) to capture their engagement
urkeldaedalus: Happy to talk to mom
urkeldaedalus: Shark mouth
urkeldaedalus: Cat on a hot book shelf
urkeldaedalus: Geraniums in bloom
urkeldaedalus: In flux.
urkeldaedalus: Assisted lift
urkeldaedalus: The barn in Solon with the messages for football faithful
urkeldaedalus: Paper faces fading away
urkeldaedalus: Got you!
urkeldaedalus: The O'Leary
urkeldaedalus: Loebsack (2)
urkeldaedalus: Christy is adorable and has good taste in scarves
urkeldaedalus: Liz and Erika
urkeldaedalus: Ready to yarn
urkeldaedalus: Finding that one leaf
urkeldaedalus: Local burrito declares, <3
urkeldaedalus: Wha happen?
urkeldaedalus: Frame within a frame of Marion strip
urkeldaedalus: David, enjoying himself