urkeldaedalus: The attack of the feet!
urkeldaedalus: Not dead, just dead tired
urkeldaedalus: Aunt LeAnne
urkeldaedalus: Crosswording
urkeldaedalus: My dad is clearly thrilled that I'm taking this photo.
urkeldaedalus: It must have been an engrossing conversation.
urkeldaedalus: Sammy owns the I.C. newsroom.
urkeldaedalus: Liz holding a ceramic winged pig in downtown Mount Vernon
urkeldaedalus: Six whole pies!
urkeldaedalus: The Tao of Pie Making
urkeldaedalus: The Archivists
urkeldaedalus: Shades and shadows
urkeldaedalus: Old friends
urkeldaedalus: FH000003
urkeldaedalus: FH000004
urkeldaedalus: FH000005
urkeldaedalus: FH000006