urkeldaedalus: Enter the kitties...
urkeldaedalus: Deuce with Papa Ray.
urkeldaedalus: Honey with Erika
urkeldaedalus: This really should have been enough...
urkeldaedalus: But why not one more?
urkeldaedalus: Deuce reclining on a Brian Ray
urkeldaedalus: For convenience sake, I think I'm going to forego words for a sequence here.
urkeldaedalus: Awwwww...
urkeldaedalus: Awwwwwwww.....
urkeldaedalus: Awwwww!
urkeldaedalus: Happiness
urkeldaedalus: Super Honey
urkeldaedalus: Ack...Kryptonite!!
urkeldaedalus: A fitting end to the day.
urkeldaedalus: We will no more go a roaming, by the light of the moon.
urkeldaedalus: Continuing my tenure as Liz's cat photographer
urkeldaedalus: And more of the same.
urkeldaedalus: Here too.
urkeldaedalus: Halfhearted.
urkeldaedalus: Awww...
urkeldaedalus: Smelling the lens
urkeldaedalus: Why won't this crazy man leave me alone?
urkeldaedalus: Something is afoot in the kitchen, I'm sure of it.
urkeldaedalus: What did you just say to me?
urkeldaedalus: Deuce ponders if it is worth the risk to go for the food
urkeldaedalus: Cat's cradle