urkeldaedalus: Comics before turkey
urkeldaedalus: Getting ready
urkeldaedalus: The gear is prepared
urkeldaedalus: Hot potatoes
urkeldaedalus: The main attraction
urkeldaedalus: Mission accomplished
urkeldaedalus: The struggle to open the traditional all natural cranberries
urkeldaedalus: Dad pitches in
urkeldaedalus: It's starting to come and..
urkeldaedalus: ...Thanksgiving can begin!
urkeldaedalus: The spread
urkeldaedalus: The sun approves
urkeldaedalus: Olives and carrots
urkeldaedalus: ...And relates terrible past experiences...
urkeldaedalus: ...Then watches football before...
urkeldaedalus: ...The traditional after dinner walk...
urkeldaedalus: Juggling pies
urkeldaedalus: Pie lineup = the defeat of Stephen
urkeldaedalus: Some awake
urkeldaedalus: Some asleep
urkeldaedalus: Cleanup begins
urkeldaedalus: Jim Dreier takes care of dishes
urkeldaedalus: Thanksgiving puzzling
urkeldaedalus: One piece at a time
urkeldaedalus: Enjoying Wisconsin's finest
urkeldaedalus: Modern Nostalgic Domestic
urkeldaedalus: Still classic
urkeldaedalus: Tired, but in good spirits
urkeldaedalus: Tina looking classy