urje: NEU International Hotel
urje: Building in progress
urje: family uniforms
urje: Shenyang
urje: Somewhere in Liaoning province
urje: station
urje: chillin'
urje: Obviously, North Korean restaurants have their curtains closed
urje: the moon rises
urje: rituals
urje: Sino-Korean friendship bridge
urje: Looking into the hermit kingdom of North Korea
urje: Tiger Mountain Great Wall
urje: Cyclist
urje: ex-boat
urje: A creek, a fence and a sentry tower
urje: Selfy sticks
urje: Dandong Hilton
urje: residential smokestacks
urje: Yalu River
urje: Dandong Bus station
urje: Dalian pretending to be a US city
urje: Dalian
urje: hotpot
urje: BBQ street
urje: gills
urje: Fisherman's wharf
urje: Fisherman's wharf
urje: wedding shoot
urje: Dalian