uridev: Atrium Ceiling of Palazzo Spinola (now Deutsche Bank
uridev: houses build outside this once walled in part of the city
uridev: Cafe in the arcades of Sottoripa
uridev: This tunnel of light shoots through 3 stories of the building.
uridev: New Year Pastries
uridev: views of the Strada Nuova (Via Garibaldi)
uridev: Bronze doors to atrium on Via Garibaldi
uridev: Entrance to the street designed and built in the Renaissance onwards
uridev: waterfront on the Porto antico
uridev: A campy sign of a Genoese business
uridev: musician outside the Palazzo Rosso
uridev: view from window of Palazzo Rosso
uridev: alley view of the back of the Palazzo Rosso
uridev: view from window in Palazzo Rosso
uridev: Major facade of the palazzo Interiano Pallavicini
uridev: Genoese idea of a shopping mall is to glass over a street.
uridev: Transportation for streets too narrow for cars
uridev: hillside apartments above Piazza Fontane Marose
uridev: Ice skating among the palms on the old port
uridev: Hi tech transport under ancient buildings
uridev: gated alley
uridev: Facade, Palazzo San Giorgio
uridev: beautiful back alley
uridev: Bronze doors to courtyard of Palazzo Rosso
uridev: Cathedral of San Lorenzo
uridev: three nuns arm in arm
uridev: Cathedral of San Lorenzo 2
uridev: bank of Sardinia near Piazza Fontane Marose
uridev: another tiny alley
uridev: Another Gated Alley