maisa_nyc: Raging Grannies in da House!
maisa_nyc: Dee Getting Ready To Introduce Kevin Murungi
maisa_nyc: Leah and Dee Starting The Rally
maisa_nyc: Leah Barber Introducing Speaker Kevin Murungi
maisa_nyc: Kevin Murungi
maisa_nyc: Kevin Murungi
maisa_nyc: Itzcuauhtli and Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez
maisa_nyc: Itzcuauhtli and Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez
maisa_nyc: Itzcuauhtli and Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez
maisa_nyc: Cecilia Panetta Speaking To The Rally
maisa_nyc: 20141210-_MG_7637
maisa_nyc: Climate Justice Rally 2014
maisa_nyc: Christine Halvorsen
maisa_nyc: 20141210-_MG_7674
maisa_nyc: Robert Borrero Speaking For Climate Justice
maisa_nyc: Robert Borrero Leading A Chant
maisa_nyc: Jennifer Viechweg Of OXFAM Action Corps
maisa_nyc: Justice With a Smile
maisa_nyc: Leah Addressing The Hardy Crowd
maisa_nyc: Gloria Mattera
maisa_nyc: Bethany Yarrow Leading The Crowd In Song!
maisa_nyc: Bethany Yarrow Sings Out For Climate Justice