maisa_nyc: Bison
maisa_nyc: Holiday Lights
maisa_nyc: Corner Of 8th and 14th
maisa_nyc: Through The Bare Branches
maisa_nyc: Brick Facade
maisa_nyc: East Village
maisa_nyc: Iron Fence
maisa_nyc: Central Park Silhouette
maisa_nyc: Central Park Silhouette
maisa_nyc: Central Park Silhouette
maisa_nyc: Benches At Night
maisa_nyc: Shadows Along The Path
maisa_nyc: Dyker Heights Lights
maisa_nyc: Fruit Loops? I'll Give You Fruit Loops...
maisa_nyc: Zoo Center Dome
maisa_nyc: Black Rhino
maisa_nyc: Peacock
maisa_nyc: Peacocks Aren't Carnivorous, Are They?
maisa_nyc: He's Guarding The Carriage!
maisa_nyc: Peacock Crossing
maisa_nyc: Very Large Rodents
maisa_nyc: Chip or Dale?
maisa_nyc: Snake Not On A Plane
maisa_nyc: Put You Finger Right Over Here...
maisa_nyc: Baby Gator
maisa_nyc: Gaboon Pit Viper
maisa_nyc: Green Tree Python
maisa_nyc: Pit Viper