Urban Muser: C is for conversation
Urban Muser: B is for breakfast
Urban Muser: A is for abode
Urban Muser: Subway hat and chat
Urban Muser: D is for divide
Urban Muser: 2 sides of nyc
Urban Muser: E is for edge
Urban Muser: ever hopeful
Urban Muser: G is for Gathering
Urban Muser: in the park. from where i stand.
Urban Muser: K is for kiss
Urban Muser: don't shoot and drive
Urban Muser: O is for {open}
Urban Muser: Q is for quick
Urban Muser: s is for shadow
Urban Muser: v is for "view"
Urban Muser: y is for "yellow"
Urban Muser: Z is for zig-zag.
Urban Muser: A is for arrow
Urban Muser: B is for black and white.
Urban Muser: "E" is for eyes