Urban Disturbance: Leaving Anacortes on the Yakima
Urban Disturbance: Busy waterways
Urban Disturbance: Approaching Orcas Island
Urban Disturbance: Our whale watching boat
Urban Disturbance: The Yakima at Orcas Island
Urban Disturbance: Ferry Landing at Orcas Island
Urban Disturbance: Daniel, Maria und Laura
Urban Disturbance: Captain in his cabin
Urban Disturbance: Lovely location
Urban Disturbance: Bird island
Urban Disturbance: Lighthouse and Olympic Mountains
Urban Disturbance: Giant Sea Lion
Urban Disturbance: Minke Whale
Urban Disturbance: Boat with Mount Baker in the background
Urban Disturbance: Olympic Mountains
Urban Disturbance: On the lower deck
Urban Disturbance: On the top deck
Urban Disturbance: Tiny island
Urban Disturbance: Add a note if you can spot the eagle in this image...