Heather Brandon:
Prismatic pools
Heather Brandon:
Heather Brandon:
Pizza. Bombs.
Heather Brandon:
At the prismatic pools
Heather Brandon:
Watching grizzlies
Heather Brandon:
Old Faithful Inn
Heather Brandon:
Castle geyser
Heather Brandon:
A national landmark
Heather Brandon:
Old Faithful Inn
Heather Brandon:
Old Faithful Inn
Heather Brandon:
Fountain geyser
Heather Brandon:
Hanging with wolves
Heather Brandon:
Guess which one is the *real* mirror.
Heather Brandon:
City library
Heather Brandon:
City-County Building and city library
Heather Brandon:
Looking for birds
Heather Brandon:
Mountains and blue blue sky
Heather Brandon:
Traveling team
Heather Brandon:
Prismatic pools... and oh the steam!
Heather Brandon:
Excelsior geyser (dormant... or is it?)
Heather Brandon:
Castle geyser
Heather Brandon:
Old Faithful
Heather Brandon:
Prismatic pools
Heather Brandon:
Grazing on the roadside
Heather Brandon:
Heather Brandon:
Scalding water streams down to the river
Heather Brandon:
Why, hello there.
Heather Brandon:
Some of the "bacteria mat"
Heather Brandon:
City Library
Heather Brandon:
Wasatch mountains