Urban_Hipster: Shoes.
Urban_Hipster: Shoes.
Urban_Hipster: Embassy of Nigeria - Tel Aviv
Urban_Hipster: The Kibbutz Israeli Art Gallery
Urban_Hipster: Louise
Urban_Hipster: Waterfall.
Urban_Hipster: Waterfall - up close.
Urban_Hipster: Louise in her box.
Urban_Hipster: Trouble.
Urban_Hipster: Louise up close.
Urban_Hipster: Eeee.
Urban_Hipster: Dor and Thelma.
Urban_Hipster: Dor and Thelma 2.
Urban_Hipster: Kittens.
Urban_Hipster: With fresh basil from the shuk.
Urban_Hipster: Making delicious pasta.
Urban_Hipster: The signs are in Hebrew.
Urban_Hipster: Glory be.
Urban_Hipster: Ee-kay-ah.
Urban_Hipster: The temple.
Urban_Hipster: Ikea on the horizon.
Urban_Hipster: Dor at Dizi.
Urban_Hipster: Thelma and Louise. 2.
Urban_Hipster: Thelma and Louise.
Urban_Hipster: Thelma.
Urban_Hipster: Cooking area.
Urban_Hipster: Fridge.
Urban_Hipster: Kitchen door.
Urban_Hipster: Dishes.
Urban_Hipster: Salvaged stop sign.