The University of Queensland:
Leopard seal
The University of Queensland:
Steve, Hidden Lake dinosaur site, Cape Lachman, JR Island (SWS)
The University of Queensland:
Searching for fossils in the Cero Negro Fm, Snow Island (SWS)
The University of Queensland:
James Ross Island (SWS)
The University of Queensland:
Steve with elephant seal, Snow Island (Tomaso)
The University of Queensland:
Heading ashore at James Ross Island (SWS)
The University of Queensland:
Heading ashore at Cape Lachman, JR Island dinosaur locality (SWS)
The University of Queensland:
Fossil clams, Santa Martha Fm, JR Island (SWS)
The University of Queensland:
Steve & Matt, Plant Site, Williams Pt, Lstone Is_101209_03_SS
The University of Queensland:
Cero Negro Fm fern fossils, Snow Island (SWS)
The University of Queensland:
Cape Lachman, James Ross Island (dinosaur fossil site) SWS
The University of Queensland:
Steve searching for fossils, King George Island (SWS)
The University of Queensland:
Sunset iceberg