The University of Queensland:
Triple-P researchers hope to improve the health and wellbeing of families across the world.
The University of Queensland:
The CCRES project in the Philippines and Indonesia seeks to co-create impactful change with local communities.
The University of Queensland:
Triple-P researcher, John Pickering, is working in Indonesia and the Philippines in a collaboration between the UQ GCI and the UQ Energy Initiative.
The University of Queensland:
Through groundbreaking collaboration, the Parenting and Coral Reef Ecosystems project aims to improve the health and wellbeing of families across the world.
The University of Queensland:
The Capturing Coral Reef and Related Ecosystem Services (CCRES) project, aims to reveal the natural wealth of coastlines of the East Asia-Pacific region, enhance livelihoods and food security, improve community health and wellbeing, and sustain coastal ec