Upul R: RPG Launcher...
Upul R: CandyD
Upul R: Horri-wood actor.
Upul R: Bride
Upul R: Life!
Upul R: Thoughts
Upul R: Fathers' little girl
Upul R: Ruwesha
Upul R: Mr. President
Upul R: Defense Secretary
Upul R: Derek Lilangi Engagement
Upul R: ගුරැතුමා අපේ
Upul R: Roshan n Chathurika
Upul R: Chathurika
Upul R: Chathurika
Upul R: bullock cart driver
Upul R: Retrospect...
Upul R: LIfe itself is a problem.. A problem that never ends..
Upul R: Shantha ශාන්ත
Upul R: Mr. Spock
Upul R: Baba බබා
Upul R: Twisted ripples
Upul R: Son of a Gun