upstatelisa: my first 6 blocks for the Crumb Along
upstatelisa: Hearts for the Crumb A Long
upstatelisa: Stars for the Crumb A Long
upstatelisa: stars for the Crumb A long
upstatelisa: more Crumb ALong blocks
upstatelisa: my blocks from the Crumb Along
upstatelisa: some of my Crumb Along blocks
upstatelisa: some of my Crumb Along Blocks
upstatelisa: My Crumb Along blocks
upstatelisa: running out of room to display my blocks
upstatelisa: my scraps
upstatelisa: Crumb Along blocks
upstatelisa: 102 Crumb Along blocks!
upstatelisa: 102 Crumb Along blocks!
upstatelisa: 114 Crumb Along blocks
upstatelisa: 123 crumbs to date!
upstatelisa: I have 130 Crumb Along blocks!!!
upstatelisa: up to about 130 crumb blocks
upstatelisa: Adding Kona ash to 130 crumb along blocks to make them 9" finished
upstatelisa: expanding my crumb along blocks
upstatelisa: 69 Crumb-Along blocks enlarged from 6.5" to 9" finished with Kona ash... Only 63 to go! #crumbalong #konacottonsolids
upstatelisa: 78 crumb along blocks expanded to 9" finished....54 to go!