UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Baldwin St. Ann's Shrine and Church Building LL Cook Unsent Photographer KAHL
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Big Rapids First ME Church RPPC Unsent Photographer Unknown AZO Stamp Box Methodist Episcopal
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Burton MP Church Built 1911 RPPC Postmarked 1912 Methodist Protestant Photographer Unknown Writer trying to give away a Cow Calf
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Caro Presbyterian Church Building Bell Tower and Grounds RPPC The Partlos Fairgrove Postmarked 1947 Photographer Unknown
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Caseville 1950s St Rock Catholic Church Built 1955 Unsent Photographer Unknown Pastor at time Robert G Navarre LL Cook
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Caseville 1950s St Rock Catholic Church Built 1955 Unsent Photographer Unknown Pastor at time Robert G Navarre LL Cook 18045B
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Centerville Interior ME Church Interior RPPC Tuscola County Ghost Town Unsent Photographer Unknown
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Centerville Interior ME Church Interior RPPC Tuscola County Ghost Town Unsent Photographer Unknown1
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Forestville St Johns Catholic Church 1950s Unsent Photographer Unknown LL Cook 32222 335S
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Forestville St Johns Catholic Church 1950s Unsent Photographer Unknown LL Cook 32222 335S1
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Frankenmuth St Lorenz Lutheran Church Built 1845 Unsent Photographer Freeman Card 141949
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Frankenmuth St Lorenz Lutheran Church Built 1845 Unsent Photographer Freeman Card 1419491
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Irons Union Church and Grounds Lake County Curteich Card 18 Postmarked Manistee 1969 with Smokey the Bear Cancellation Photo by Glen McNitt
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Irons Union Church and Grounds Lake County Curteich Card 18 Postmarked Manistee 1969 with Smokey the Bear Cancellation Photo by Glen McNitt1
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Lansing Interior St Mary Catholic Church Cathederal on Seymour Ave Unsent Photographer TE Shea Card C15553
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Lansing Interior St Mary Catholic Church Cathederal on Seymour Ave Unsent Photographer TE Shea Card C155531
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Lapeer Detroit Baptist Camp Cabins and Camp Property at The Detroit Baptist Camp Lapeer Unit RPPC LL Cook 275A Kodak Stamp Box Unsent
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Lapeer Detroit Baptist Camp Cabins and Camp Property at The Detroit Baptist Camp Lapeer Unit RPPC LL Cook 275A Kodak Stamp Box Unsent1
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Lapeer Detroit Baptist Camp Dining Room Interior View Family Meal at the Detroit Baptist Camp Photograph by M Losie Postmarked 1956 Card 110193
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Lapeer Detroit Baptist Camp Kresge Unit Cabins and Camp Property at the Detroit Baptist Camp RPPC LL Cook 285A Kodak Stamp Box Postmarked 1958
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Lapeer Detroit Baptist Camp Kresge Unit Cabins and Camp Property at the Detroit Baptist Camp RPPC LL Cook 285A Kodak Stamp Box Postmarked 19581
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Marion ME Church Great 1913 Under Construction View of Workers and Pastor and his Wife RPPC Osceola County History Postmarked
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Marion ME Church Great 1913 Under Construction View of Workers and Pastor and his Wife RPPC Osceola County History Postmarked1
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Midland St Brigid of Kildare Irish Catholic Church Built 1871 Unsent Photographer Mary Gunn Card 95635B
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Saginaw Saginaw Baptist Church 1910 RPPC Photographer PESHA Card 9493 Saginaw West Side Postmark
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Saginaw Saginaw Baptist Church 1910 RPPC Photographer PESHA Card 9493 Saginaw West Side Postmark 1
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Sandusky ME Church RPPC Postmarked 1914 Photographer Unknown but card is 111192 possible PESHA Methodist Episcopal Now First United Methodist
UpNorth Memories - Don Harrison: Central MI Church Shelby Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Aerial View Established 1950 Unsent Photographer Unknown