m•k•c: morning skydance
m•k•c: my new backyard!
m•k•c: reflecting on the day
m•k•c: of biblical proportions
m•k•c: party crasher
m•k•c: wide-eyed dream
m•k•c: water sculpting
m•k•c: painterly
m•k•c: a stone's throw from where i sit
m•k•c: a ripple effect
m•k•c: another beach, another time
m•k•c: winter beach
m•k•c: with nothing to say
m•k•c: honoring the elders
m•k•c: gathering for take-off
m•k•c: deja vu
m•k•c: six sails under a crazy sky
m•k•c: come on in ~~~~~~~
m•k•c: carved in sand
m•k•c: leaving its mark
m•k•c: advent
m•k•c: cloud cave
m•k•c: a shimmer before dark
m•k•c: day is done