m•k•c: fading beauty
m•k•c: afterglow
m•k•c: cups of remembrance
m•k•c: stilled life
m•k•c: the color of pearls
m•k•c: anatomy of a tulip
m•k•c: the edge of goodbye
m•k•c: windswept
m•k•c: repose
m•k•c: tulip as feather
m•k•c: tulip as water
m•k•c: anatomy of a tulip II
m•k•c: the heart of the matter
m•k•c: when all is said & done
m•k•c: a fading reminder
m•k•c: transparent clover
m•k•c: Frosted Elm Composition #2
m•k•c: Graceful Oak
m•k•c: three degrees
m•k•c: shadow lace #2
m•k•c: shadow lace #1
m•k•c: summer takes her leave