m•k•c: marking my place...
m•k•c: diary of a country woman • his shirt
m•k•c: sacred space
m•k•c: diary of a country woman • firelight
m•k•c: happy anniversary to us today!
m•k•c: the crow moon II
m•k•c: glass on glass
m•k•c: a friend brought me flowers :)
m•k•c: tribute to my dad
m•k•c: mae & bill
m•k•c: hello to all my flickr friends!
m•k•c: suspended
m•k•c: said
m•k•c: a delicate balance
m•k•c: vincent's chair
m•k•c: flowers at an exhibition
m•k•c: sweet comic valentine...
m•k•c: through the glass darkly
m•k•c: waterbath
m•k•c: happy birthday, sweetsa-meetsa
m•k•c: the woods
m•k•c: skyward 2
m•k•c: bye-bye birdie
m•k•c: from the kitchen window
m•k•c: luminous is what you are
m•k•c: memory walk
m•k•c: torn & tattered
m•k•c: flying frozen
m•k•c: cleopatra eyes
m•k•c: cold shadow II