m•k•c: summer breeze..makes me feel fine
m•k•c: a perpetual tear
m•k•c: reflected orchids
m•k•c: torn & tattered
m•k•c: reflected orchids II
m•k•c: wrought iron weed
m•k•c: may i have this dance?
m•k•c: encore
m•k•c: not quite alone
m•k•c: on the way to somewhere
m•k•c: me, myself & i
m•k•c: three more
m•k•c: three
m•k•c: between the pages #2
m•k•c: between the pages #3
m•k•c: she set the table with her mother's dishes
m•k•c: cast shadow from a water glass
m•k•c: shadows gathered while she sipped her coffee
m•k•c: which way to turn?
m•k•c: he's waiting for me
m•k•c: vacancy
m•k•c: colors of a florida winter
m•k•c: footloose
m•k•c: between me & the sky
m•k•c: a skylight epistle
m•k•c: softening the sunlight
m•k•c: afterglow
m•k•c: my coat of great comfort
m•k•c: empty
m•k•c: porch print