RT Campos: Trainer Ariel Betan and participants
RT Campos: LPI-1 training participants
RT Campos: Dr. Francisco Sarmiento III
RT Campos: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bounthong Vongxaya of the NU Laos
RT Campos: Assoc. Prof. Lammai Phiphakkhavong
RT Campos: Trainer Ariel Betan
RT Campos: Laos LPI-1 Training Participants
RT Campos: Trainer and Organizers from Laos
RT Campos: What's up, Sir Ariel?
RT Campos: DSC_1944_800
RT Campos: DSC_1866_800
RT Campos: Sir Ariel & Philip
RT Campos: Teacher and student
RT Campos: 3 Pinoys