University of Glasgow Library: Photograph of model for reading room, 1930s
University of Glasgow Library: Old College Building Hunterian Museum, pre-1880s
University of Glasgow Library: Gilbert Scott Library, 1930s
University of Glasgow Library: Gilmorehill House, 1869
University of Glasgow Library: Lecture notes from Dr. William Meikleham, 1812
University of Glasgow Library: John Campbell’s notebook, 1713
University of Glasgow Library: Illustration of student at Glasgow University, 19th century
University of Glasgow Library: Greek Class Sessions, 1880-1881
University of Glasgow Library: Students at Charities Day, 1926
University of Glasgow Library: Wenjiang Ding’s astronomy class, 1910-11
University of Glasgow Library: Physical Society’s Mag vol. 1 advert for ‘Grosvenor Picture House’, 1921
University of Glasgow Library: The Old College, depicting 1690s
University of Glasgow Library: Gilmorehill South front, 1966
University of Glasgow Library: Queen Margaret section of SRC index, 1898
University of Glasgow Library: Queen Margaret section of SRC, 1898
University of Glasgow Library: Graduation photo of Merbai Ardesir Vakil, 1897
University of Glasgow Library: Jus Suffragii Alumnae photograph of Dr. Gilchrist, 1901
University of Glasgow Library: Photograph of model for Boyd Orr building, 1960s
University of Glasgow Library: Student handbook cover, 1932-33
University of Glasgow Library: Glasgow University Student Union Bazaar News cover, 1889
University of Glasgow Library: Athletics photograph, 1960
University of Glasgow Library: Union Ygorra title cover depicting Student Union building, 1950-51
University of Glasgow Library: University Chapel, contemporary photo
University of Glasgow Library: Flyer for entrance exams for Faculty of Arts, 1881-82
University of Glasgow Library: Illustrated page from Zoology notes, 1912-13
University of Glasgow Library: Photograph of Freshers’ camp, 1949
University of Glasgow Library: Engineers Club’s Continental tour, 1914