University of Glasgow Library:
John Logie Baird’s Matriculation slip for the session 1914-15 (R8/5/35/1)
University of Glasgow Library:
Film & Television Studies leaflet, 1980s (TFTS 5/1)
University of Glasgow Library:
Poster for the Bacchae, starring Alan Cumming (STA NTS 2/20)
University of Glasgow Library:
Miniature in the Fall of Princes depicting Fortune and her Wheel (MS Hunter 371, fol. 1r)
University of Glasgow Library:
Guide for Ingenious Impression exhibition featuring page from Hunterian Bw.3.24.
University of Glasgow Library:
Glasgow University Magazine 1951-52 (DC 198/1/50)
University of Glasgow Library:
Anchor Line Poster advertising passage to New York (UGD255/1/40/6)
University of Glasgow Library:
Acanthus carpet design, Stoddard International Carpet Manufacturers, 20th century (STOD/DES/34/104)
University of Glasgow Library:
Army & Navy Stores Price List, 1937-38 (FRAS 313/22)
University of Glasgow Library:
United Turkey Red Ltd Sample Books, 1875-1888 (UGD 13/8/6/42)
University of Glasgow Library:
Embroidered binding from (Sp Coll F-f.8)
University of Glasgow Library:
Close up of binding on Sp Coll F.f.8
University of Glasgow Library:
Character design for ‘Five Past Eight’ show, 1950s-60s (STA Gz 1-2-1)