University of Glasgow Library:
Register of births, deaths and marriages, New Lanark Mills, 1818-1853 (UGD 42/7/5)
University of Glasgow Library:
Army and Navy staff information cards, House of Fraser, 1895-1966 (FRAS 511/13)
University of Glasgow Library:
Apprentice wage book, Upper Clyde Shipbuilders, c1916 (UCS 1/65/16)
University of Glasgow Library:
Managers and Assistants letterbook, James Finlay & Co Ltd, 1903-1912 (UGD 91/1/6/3/1)
University of Glasgow Library:
Accident report book for William Dixon Ltd, Coal and Iron Masters, 1905-08 (UGD 1/34/1)
University of Glasgow Library:
'The Red Anchor', Anchor Line's staff magazine, Anchor Line Ltd (UGD 255/1/32/7)
University of Glasgow Library:
'The Red Anchor', Anchor Line's staff magazine, Anchor Line Ltd, 1914 (UGD 255/1/32/4)
University of Glasgow Library:
Photograph of the design department, c1950s/60s, James Templeton & Co Ltd (STOD 201/2/16/2/4)
University of Glasgow Library:
Photograph of a Templeton staff dance, c1930s, James Templeton & Co Ltd (STOD 201/2/16/2/8)
University of Glasgow Library:
Hugh Tennant family tree, Tennent Caledonain Breweries Ltd (T 13/1)