University of Glasgow Library: EphA105 German Field Newspaper
University of Glasgow Library: EphA87 Vocabulary Booklet
University of Glasgow Library: EphA85 Speech, reverse
University of Glasgow Library: EphA84 Bilingual Identity Card, Reverse
University of Glasgow Library: EphA84 Bilingual Identity Card
University of Glasgow Library: EphA74 "Program for the Kaiser's Birthday Celebrations, 1917"
University of Glasgow Library: EphA48 Enforced Food Price Ceilings
University of Glasgow Library: EphA45 Potato Rationing
University of Glasgow Library: EphA39 Responsibilities of Brothel Owners
University of Glasgow Library: EphA20 Coal Distribution
University of Glasgow Library: EphA18 A Warning to Civilians About Harbouring Enemy Soldiers
University of Glasgow Library: EphA16 French Planes Behind German Lines.
University of Glasgow Library: EphA15 Ordinances Warning Civilians of Penalties for Non-Cooperation.
University of Glasgow Library: EphA15 Ordinances Warning Civilians of Penalties for Non-Cooperation.
University of Glasgow Library: EphA12 French Spies Behind German Lines
University of Glasgow Library: EphA8 Cancellation of Celebration
University of Glasgow Library: EphA2 German Victory over the Russian 10th Army in Masuria, Poland
University of Glasgow Library: EphA2 An account of the German Victory over the Russian 10th Army in Masuria, Poland
University of Glasgow Library: Regulation about postal system
University of Glasgow Library: Alphabetical Index
University of Glasgow Library: Advertisement for french calendar
University of Glasgow Library: Schedule of prices
University of Glasgow Library: Policy for fighting against cattle-plague
University of Glasgow Library: Policy about civilian workers