University of Glasgow Library: Plague Map of India from the Indian Plague Commission (reference: HB65/30/12)
University of Glasgow Library: Statistics on cases/death rates within the hospital for the plague in the annual report for Bevidere in 1900/1 (reference: HB65/1/3)
University of Glasgow Library: Statistics on infection within staff members in the annual report for Belvidere in 1900/1 (reference: HB65/1/3)
University of Glasgow Library: Picture of the West wards of Belvidere with nurses and doctors (reference: HB65/29/10)
University of Glasgow Library: Picture from a plague ward in 1900 with Dr John Brownlee and nurses in long overcoats (except the sister) (reference: HB65/29/11)
University of Glasgow Library: Front cover of the Indian Plague Commission (reference: HB65/30/12)
University of Glasgow Library: Plague Map of Glasgow in the Medical Officer of Health’s report on the Glasgow plague (reference: HB65/30/13)
University of Glasgow Library: Front cover of the Medical Officer of Health’s report on the Glasgow plague (reference:HB65/30/13)
University of Glasgow Library: Meeting Announcement about Special Hospital Service 1915
University of Glasgow Library: Information about First Aid and Home Nursing Lectures 1915
University of Glasgow Library: Useful Recipes for Nurses
University of Glasgow Library: Useful Recipes for Nurses
University of Glasgow Library: Useful Recipes for Nurses
University of Glasgow Library: Useful Recipes for Nurses
University of Glasgow Library: Useful Recipes for Nurses
University of Glasgow Library: Useful Recipes for Nurses