University of Glasgow Library:
New Year 1939
University of Glasgow Library:
A British Bull Pup
University of Glasgow Library:
Page of drawings
University of Glasgow Library:
A Little Brother
University of Glasgow Library:
University of Glasgow Library:
University of Glasgow Library:
University of Glasgow Medical Final Year Dinner Book
University of Glasgow Library:
Glasgow University Officer Training Corps Dinner Menu
University of Glasgow Library:
University of Glasgow Library:
The Fleeting Years
University of Glasgow Library:
Music and Drama, from Glasgow University Magazine
University of Glasgow Library:
The Fleeting Hour, from Glasgow University Magazine
University of Glasgow Library:
Front Cover of Glasgow University Magazine
University of Glasgow Library:
The Conspirators
University of Glasgow Library:
Impressions of the Inter-University Debate
University of Glasgow Library:
People of No Consequence
University of Glasgow Library:
People of No Consequence
University of Glasgow Library:
Colonel Robert Main of the Scottish Hospitals receiving a grateful gift of arms and accoutrements from Dr Dunn
University of Glasgow Library:
The Rev Dr Cooper, receiving a visit from Dr Gray, is at a loss as to how to entertain his guest. He is here shown essaying a Comic Song
University of Glasgow Library:
Dr John Brownlee explaining the play, Hamlet, to Dr Chalmers
University of Glasgow Library:
Dr Middleton in the ruins of the Royal Infirmary
University of Glasgow Library:
Dr Noel Paton hears from Dr GN Clark of moving accidents by flood and field
University of Glasgow Library:
Dr Sam Cameron being subjected to the Pain of finding Dr Murdoch Cameron bathing in the Blue Pools
University of Glasgow Library:
Dr Stockman displaying his well-known Skepticism in face of what Dr Dalziel has repeated assured him is Fact
University of Glasgow Library:
A Heated Alercation between Dr Teacher and Dr Findlay on a recent Article in the Tailors and Cutter
University of Glasgow Library:
Dr W K Hunter mistreating Dr Kennedy in Clinical Department
University of Glasgow Library:
F J Charteris telling a funny story to Mr A H Charteris. A brave deed.
University of Glasgow Library:
The Incursion into the Russian Ballet of Professor John Ferguson: "stamp louder, please, It reminds me of Home."
University of Glasgow Library:
Mr Parry treating his students to a Quiet Talk on Surgical Diagnosis
University of Glasgow Library:
And this is Sir John Ure Primrose, Bart