University of Glasgow Library: 0001rcropBoccaccio and Dame Fortune
University of Glasgow Library: the fight of Fortune and poverty; misfortune being tied to a stak
University of Glasgow Library: Boccaccio & Fortune in an interior; outside, the approach of Saturnus' army
University of Glasgow Library: Full page with miniature of Antony
University of Glasgow Library: Full page with miniature of
University of Glasgow Library: Miniature depicting Seleucus being shipwrecked
University of Glasgow Library: Detail from miniature depicting Seleucus being shipwrecked
University of Glasgow Library: Full page with miniature of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel
University of Glasgow Library: Full page with miniature depicting Marcus Manlius being thrown into the Tiber
University of Glasgow Library: Title-page in volume 1 (written as Tom. 'II')
University of Glasgow Library: Detail of rubrication, script and illuminated initial 'A'
University of Glasgow Library: Detail of nobles from miniature depicting Fortune and her Wheel